A force of positive change in our world and the communities and people we serve.

The natural law of the universe is a rhythmic cycle. This is intuitive knowledge – just by virtue of being aware of life and all its manifestation. Everything has a point of birth (or creation) and a point of death (of disintegration). And this disintegration or death, leads to new creations or births. We see this everywhere in nature – in the water cycle, the wind cycle, the cycle of life and death of all living creatures on earth, even the cycle of the birth and death of stars.

Ecological sustainability – the potential to live healthy fulfilled lives for generations to come – is made possible by aiding and being in sync with natural cycles.

In the 21st century, this intuitive truth is visible all around us – in the ever-increasing mounds of garbage, the polluted air, the chronic clean water scarcity, the heavily depleted and unarable soils, and the large-scale loss in bio-diversity. Several studies support this understanding. It is estimated that:

  • The world could run out of rain forests in 2100, food in 2050, fish in 2048, water in 2040
  • We use about 40% more resources every year than we can put back
  • The human-caused rate of extinction of species of both plants and animals at present is hundreds of times higher than the natural rate in the past
  • A recent study shows that an average of 3 months after Christmas 41% of all plastic toys end up in the landfill.

A major ecological conundrum is the issue of pollution due to plastic. Not only is plastic “one of the most energy-intensive materials to produce”, since it is synthetic, there does not exist a easily available natural way of decomposition. As a result, it is estimated that it a piece of plastic would take upto 1000 years or more to biodegrade.

Worse, the annual demand for plastic has almost doubled since 2000 and the World Economic Forum expects plastic production to double by 2040. Worse only about 8.4 percent of plastic produced is recycled and the rest finds its way into a landfill or the ocean (Every year, almost 10 million metric tons of plastic wind up in the ocean), evolving into a biohazard and harming already fragile ecosystems irreparably.

In India, heavily subsidized manufacturing processes and the sheer durability of a synthetic material like plastic, has led to a proliferation of inexpensive plastic resources in the markets. Consider the DIY Hobby sector, the interior design sector or the Toys sector, plastic products are available in plenty in various options and colours. Millions enjoy these, unaware of their long-term contribution to plastic pollution.

Over the last decade however, awareness about eco-sustainability has been on the rise in urban India. There is a small and slow-growing segment of eco-conscious consumers who are looking for eco-friendly options, who are willing to put up with the vagaries of resources made from real world natural materials because they are aware of the sheer danger of using synthetic materials. Today, these consumers – the eco-conscious hobbyist, interior designer or childcare giver – are looking for eco-friendly options and are hard pressed to find these.

The UN SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) recommends that there are two main ways to help address these issues of ecological sustainability:
1. Reducing your waste and
2. Being thoughtful about what you buy and choosing a sustainable option whenever possible.

At Kattoos, we strongly believe in advocating for the first while creating solutions towards the latter. We are committed to create and produce as many eco-friendly choices are possible to help decrease our cumulative carbon footprint in the race against time. Kattoos products are made from real world natural materials, like clay, sticks and stones. They are not treated with any synthetic additives or preservatives. All colours etc used in manufacturing our products are safe and made of natural materials. Kattoos products are guaranteed to complete the rhythmic natural cycle and can be easily used as compost when you have no more use for it.

Kattoos products are created for people of all ages. It is our belief, at Kattoos, that all people are inherently expressive, and working with hands is one such medium of expression. All people are unique and deserve to have a chance at impressing their uniqueness into what they create. So Kattoos is committed to creating Do-It-Yourself customizable products that each user can mould according to their liking.

Being made from real world materials, Kattoos products have all the advantages and challenges of working with real world materials. Studies indicate that incorporating natural materials such as plants, clay, stone, natural light and solid wood into the built environment reduces stress and blood pressure while increasing creativity and productivity. Studies have also shown that bringing elements of the natural world into the home or office can improve concentration and levels of engagement. Research suggests that the more pieces of nature you incorporate into a space, can benefits learning processes in children – enhancing cognitive abilities, improving academic performance, reducing ADD symptoms, and even improving eyesight.

Buying Kattoos products would ensure that:

  • You are making eco-friendly lifestyle choices that not only contribute immediately to your well-being but that will sustain the futures of coming generations by reducing the non-biodegradable waste you produce
  • You will be creating for display, your very own unique expression of individuality, through the way you customize your Kattoos creation
  • You have an opportunity to campaign for eco-friendly choices to every person who asks you about a kattoos product you own
  • You are refusing to align with eco-destructive lifestyle choices, adding your voice to the global demand to decrease such options in the market